Dahlsens webpages with web design provided by MOO Marketing

The 15 secrets behind great web design

In today’s digital age, a website is a company’s first impression. It serves as a visual storefront, showcasing products, services and brand identity. That’s why finding the right web design marketing company in Australia and Melbourne is crucial. No matter your goals, if you’re thinking about hiring a local website designer or searching for a web design agency near you, you need to know you’re in safe hands. You need to know that your website design and development service:

  1. Knows what it’s talking about, and;
  2. Can deliver

Thankfully, at MOO Marketing & Design, we have a team of web design marketing specialists who can make your website not just look amazing, but also function. To prove it, we’ve shared 15 secrets behind great web design, as outlined by our team. But first, why is web design important for your business?

How web design affects digital marketing – why web design is important for business

Whether your goal is to generate leads, process online transactions or simply raise brand awareness, a good website is essential to the success of any digital marketing strategy. Web design is a crucial part of this. Website design is vital for your business as it directly shapes the initial perception of your brand, influences user interactions and contributes to overall success. A website professionally designed by website designers not only establishes credibility but also fosters trust, creating a positive first impression for visitors.

Good web design doesn’t simply make your website appealing, however – it can also have a tangible impact on whether your website is supporting your organisation’s mission. For example, a poorly-laid out and confusing ecommerce store will see fewer purchases than one that’s simple-to-use. Web design directly affect the user experience by ensures clarity, assisting navigation, and can even make your website more accessible.

For businesses seeking web design services in Melbourne, finding a trustworthy, local website designer is crucial. With a track record of delivering excellent results on website design and development services, agencies like MOO can help you stand out from the herd.

The secrets of great web design that can positively affect your digital marketing

Whether you’re a B2B enterprise or a local business, a B2B web design agency can tailor solutions to positively affect your digital marketing. At MOO, we have experience making websites stand out from the herd. And to prove it, here’s 15 of our secrets behind great web design.

1. Establish the business requirements of your website

You need to give some serious thought into the specific business requirements of your website. Ask yourself, “What is the purpose of the website?” Is it an eCommerce platform? Is it a form-based site? Once you know this, you can identify your key performance indications (KPIs) – these are measurable metrics that gauge the success of your website in achieving its business objectives.

2. Three clicks and you’re out!

The old adage that websites are online brochures where visitors leisurely browse is a thing of the past. Nowadays, it’s more like three clicks and you’re out. It might sound blunt, but the 3-click-rule is the reality for many consumers. Uber and Amazon have set the benchmark for providing instant gratification, and users expect websites to prioritise efficiency and intuitiveness.

3. Prioritising mobile responsiveness

People are five times more likely to abandon a website if it takes more than five seconds to load, according to a study by Think With Google. What’s more, beyond 1000 milliseconds (1 second), users lose focus on the page, according to the Milliseconds make Millions study by Deloitte.

With the increasing prevalence of mobile devices, ensuring optimal viewing across various screen sizes is paramount. It’s a smart idea for several reasons, but importantly, it can significantly impact user experience, engagement and ultimately your bottom line.

4. Enhancing visual appeal

Visuals play a significant role in capturing attention and conveying your brand identity. To boost visual appeal, use professional photos for authentic product representation, maintain graphic consistency with the brand’s colours and design guidelines, simplify complex information with custom illustrations or infographics, engage visitors with interactive elements like sliders or videos, and build trust by featuring customer testimonials with images for a personal touch.

5. Crafting compelling content

Your website’s core is its content—it conveys your brand and engages your audience. It’s also vital to balance search engine optimisation (SEO) and user appeal. Craft clear, concise, and relevant content tailored to your audience, but consider incorporating SEO best practices like using relevant keywords to stand out in searches. Optimise blogs and pages with terms your audience searches to boost visibility amid the competition.

6. Optimising loading speed

Website loading speed directly impacts user experience and search engine rankings. Part of web design and development services include ensuring images, code and other elements load quickly and efficiently. Faster loading speeds enhance user engagement and boost your SEO performance.

7. Incorporating tactical strategic call-to-action (CTA) elements

Whether or not your website includes call-to-action elements depend on your business requirements, as we mentioned earlier. However, if you’re measuring engagement and conversions, for example, carefully considering where you’re going to place call-to-action elements can help guide users towards desired actions.

8. Ensuring accessibility for users

Accessibility is an important aspect of inclusivity and can help reach a wider audience. When appropriate, consider incorporating accessibility features to make your website more accessible to users with disability. Web developers at web agencies can assist in ensuring the site is optimised for screen readers, includes alt text for images and provides clear navigation cues.

9. Maintaining consistent branding

Reinforce your brand identity by maintaining consistent branding elements across your website. Use a recognisable logo, colour palette and messaging to create a cohesive brand experience that resonates with your target audience.

10. Integrating social media

Social media integration allows users to easily share your content and connect with your brand. Make sure you have social media pages set up so your website marketing agency can integrate social media buttons and feeds to encourage engagement and expand your online presence.

11. Implementing robust security measures

User trust is paramount. Implement SSL certificates to safeguard user data and secure transactions. Display trust badges to assure visitors of your website’s credibility and protect their privacy.

12. Leveraging analytics and monitoring

Gain valuable insights into user behaviour and website performance by utilising analytics tools. That includes services such as Google Analytics, which tracks user behaviour, such as page views, sessions and conversions, and provides reports to help you understand how people are using your site. Plenty of web design marketing companies across Australia  use software such as Google Analytics to help you understand how your website is performing.

13. Gathering user feedback

Incorporate feedback mechanisms, such as forms or surveys, to gather user opinions and suggestions. Actively listen to user feedback and use it to make continuous improvements to your website and enhance user satisfaction.

14. Optimising for search engine rankings

Even if you don’t end up engaging an SEO agency, search engine optimisation remains crucial and plays a big role in improving your business’ visibility. Depending on your requirements, this may or may not be a key requirement. If it is, you’ll want to create blogs and pages that are optimised with relevant keywords to drive more traffic to your website.

15. Adapting to future trends

Design your website with scalability in mind to accommodate future growth and updates. Stay informed about emerging design trends and technologies to ensure your website remains relevant and competitive.

Interested in website design and development services in Melbourne?

MOO is a multidiscipline design studio offering web design services in Melbourne. Along with website design and development services, we also deliver digital marketing services including:

  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Advertising

Additionally, we also provide graphic design services across Australia. In addition to planning your digital campaigns and developing your website, we can also take care of all digital marketing materials for a consistent and cohesive brand strategy.

We’re fast moving, customer focused and results driven. We have the capacity and capability to meet any brief at any time.

From graphic design, project management, content development and website solutions to marketing, brand, communications and digital executions – MOO is your complete marketing department. So if you’re looking for a web agency in Melbourne, check out our contact details below.

Find out what MOO can do for you

If you want to stand out from the herd, simply call us on either 03 8650 9113 or our office mobile number 0466 066 691, or email us at moo@moo.com.au