MOO Digital Marketing Agency Melbourne Website Project
As WorkFocus Australia’s dedicated marketing and graphic design agency, MOO has completed the design and development of their new WordPress website. You can find their new WordPress site at
As a national workplace rehabilitation provider WorkFocus Australia needed a website that caters for multiple target audiences. Our Marketing Agency in Melbourne has extensive experience designing and developing highly functional, interactive WordPress websites. These websites provide excellent user experiences.
Users can quickly and easily navigate the website which ensures they can find what they’re looking for quickly. This is very important for businesses operating in a competitive market. Lower bounce rates leads to increased enquiries. This is where marketing, graphic design, content and website development need to work together.
Because MOO is a marketing agency, a graphic design agency, a content marketing agency and website developer, we bring a lot more to the table when designing and developing websites.

This website project began with a thoughtful analysis of target audiences, services and competitors which allowed us to fine tune designs and content. Our graphic designers were briefed and they developed concept designs for review. MOO’s website development team then commenced building, configuring and customising the website. Client consultation and feedback is a continuous part of this process.
Our content marketing specialists and copywriters worked seamlessly with the graphic design and website design and development team to deliver the website on time and within budget. WordPress training is a standard inclusion in MOO’s website development service which allows our clients to make updates. This website also has WCAG 2.0 accessibility requirement functionality which helps people with a disability use the website.
The early results are great. Website traffic is up as are customer referrals and the extra online functionality is helping streamline business processes.
Services utilised in this project included:
- Digital marketing strategy
- Graphic design and website design
- WordPress website development
- Content marketing
- Copywriting
- WordPress training